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Jig & Fixture Fabrication

Maximize Productivity
work-piece positioning
economical for long run

CNC fixtures

Fixtures for work-holding

Automation & Mechatronics

Jigs required to automate a manual process

Tooling inserts & Mould

Jigs to hold tooling parts which are high precision

Painting Jigs

Jigs to hold parts that are to be painted or post processing

Aluminum Alloys

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Steel Alloys

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Nickel Alloys

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Bronze and Brass

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Layer thickness

0.05 – 1 mm

Max dimensions

250 x 250 x 325 mm and 400 x 400 x 400 mm

Minimum Wall thickness

0.8 – 1 mm

Standard Accuracy

± 0.2% (with lower limit on ± 0.2 mm)

Lead Time

Minimum 10-14 working days for dispatch

Surface finish

1.6-9 μm Ra depending on post-processing

Sand Blasting

using abrasive material to make the surface finish smoother and uniform roughness.


removal of surface defects by manual polishing and buffing/lapping to make the surface more appealing as mirror.

Manual Tapping and Helicoil Inserts

cutting a thread inside a hole to facilitate for easy fastening by screw or bolt.

Surface coatings

depositing layer of material to improve the surface characteristics such as corrosion pitting and look.

Heat treatment

process to improve the properties of the material and remove residual stress built inside.

Spray Painting

Coating with high quality paint with different colour codes, glossy and matte finishing

What are the Benefits of Metal 3D Printing for the Production?

DMLS is the perfect solution when conventional manufacturing technologies reach their limits. By using metal 3D printer, the design guides the production and not vice versa. That gives you maximum creative freedom and the possibilty to create individual designs.

Freedom of design

Complex structures

Increased productivity level

Industry Tailored solutions