Aerospace industry welcoming Additive Manufacturing - Cabin crew phone casing
From Engineering to Qualification by 3D printing
The Aviation industry is introducing 3D Printed parts into their cabin interiors as they believe in the any benefits seen from the world of Additive Manufacturing. As the world progresses, the need for Spare Parts is also on a rising high. With the aid of 3D printing, the downtimes of making the spare parts are reduced and thus achieving Faster Local Repair times. The Cabin Crew Phone Casing was printed using SLS Technology in our EOS P396 in-house

Mechanical Properties need not be compromised while making it Lighter; Topology Optimization
Bracket Topology optimisation
Additive Manufacturing have many benefits over Traditional Manufacturing and one of it includes the ability to optimize the Topology of the Part. The part is first inspected and checked on the critical areas. Then, with the aid of software, the part is optimized to reduce weight and at the same time maintain the structural integrity of the part. The following part in the picture was printed using SLS Technology in our EOS P396 in-house